Professional Website Design

Crafting Your Digital Destinations: Premier Website Design Services

Illustration of WordPress flexible web design

Pixel Cohort Website Design: Development, Maintenance, Support

A web design agency that covers all the necessary services required to build, maintain, and support a website to ensure its user experience and performance are perfect.

WordPress Website Design Benefits

In the world of digital marketing, creating websites represents the foundation of your online presence. Explore how leveraging the WordPress platform for website development can elevate your business to new heights.

Image showcasing all the WordPress Website Design Benefits

Monthly Website Maintenance Plans

Keep your website running smoothly and securely with our tailored monthly maintenance plans. Our customized options ensure your site remains safe, up-to-date, and performing at its best, catering to all your online needs.

Monthly WordPress website maintenance plans

Personal Plan

All our core features in one package for a low price. Ideal for website owners that want to update content on their own while our team is providing ongoing maintenance, security, backups and reporting.

Business Plan

Comprehensive support that includes everything from a personal plan with additional security features, PHP updates and website page edits (content updates). Perfect plan for website owners that want to focus on running their business.

Premium Plan

the Ultimate maintenance plan includes full website management to all website post-launch activities, such as content management, website support, updating and maintaining the security of your website.

Experience the Excellence of our Website Design Agency in Action

Our experts create custom website designs that boost your business and improve user experience. We build sites that truly reflect your brand from start to finish. Let our innovative website design work make your online presence shine.

Website Design: Frequently Asked Questions

The cost to create a website varies greatly, influenced by its design complexity, page count, and desired features. At our agency, we emphasize clear, personalized pricing to ensure you receive a website that perfectly matches your needs and objectives, balancing cost and quality effectively.

Prices for basic sites, like portfolios or small business pages, typically range between €1,200 and €1,500. More complex designs, such as e-commerce sites or those with unique features, will cost much more.

Remember, investing in a well-designed website is an investment in your business’s future. A standout website design enhances your online visibility and supports your business’s growth. For a precise quote tailored to your specific needs, we offer a free consultation.

At Pixel Cohort, we get the importance of keeping your website up and running smoothly. Yes, we offer monthly maintenance services tailored to fit all kinds of needs and budgets.

Our monthly maintenance plans include a wide range of services, from basic updates and security checks to more complex solutions that include SEO optimization, adding new content, technical support and more. Plans are categorized to allow you to choose the one that best suits your business needs and goals.

  • The Personal plan is ideal for smaller sites that require routine updates and regular security checks. This plan covers basic site maintenance, including software updates and security patches, as well as ensuring your site is always available and functional.
  • The Business plan provides everything included in the basic plan, with the addition of regular updates of new content. This plan is intended for sites that want to improve their online visibility and attract more visitors.
  • The Premium plan is our most comprehensive plan and includes full service, including priority technical support and additional content updates. It is intended for businesses that want to make the most of their online potential.

Each of our maintenance plans is designed to give you peace of mind knowing that your website is in safe hands.

Absolutely! We specialize in sourcing and creating content for your website, covering both textual and visual elements. We understand the challenge of producing engaging, SEO-optimized content while you’re busy running your business.

For text, our goal is to develop captivating, relevant articles that not only draw in your visitors but also enhance your site’s visibility online. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to refine existing content, our team is ready to assist.

In the realm of images, we focus on selecting and optimizing high-quality visuals that will elevate your site’s aesthetic appeal. Be it professional shots of your products or services, or finding the perfect images from stock libraries, we ensure your visual content is top-notch.

We’re here to offer comprehensive support throughout your website creation journey, from initial content gathering to final optimization. Our commitment is to make sure your website stands out with premium content, tailored to attract and retain your target audience.

Building a website’s time varies based on several factors. These include how complex the project is, how many pages you need, the specific features you want, and how quickly you can provide feedback and materials.

At our web design agency, we typically follow this timeline:

  • Simple sites (like blogs or small business websites) are ready in 4 to 5 weeks.
  • Medium complexity sites (like custom-designed SMB websites) take 8 to 12 weeks.
  • Complex sites (such as e-commerce sites, large corporate websites, or those needing special features) need 12 weeks or more.

Every project is unique. We focus on working efficiently to deliver quality quickly. Speeding up the process is possible if we receive all needed information and materials promptly and get fast responses to our questions and approval requests.

Our aim is to create a site that looks great, works perfectly, and supports your business goals. We value your time and commit to meeting deadlines, keeping you updated throughout the development process.

A website is a crucial investment for businesses, especially for the small and medium-sized ones. In the digital era we live in, a website serves as a fundamental platform. It’s essential for building your brand, enhancing your visibility online, and reaching out to a wider audience effectively. Not only does a website elevate your business’s credibility and professional image, but it also facilitates direct and efficient interaction with your customers.

Moreover, a website acts as a 24/7 sales tool, allowing your business to remain accessible at any time, thereby fostering continuous growth. It enables you to track and measure your success through detailed analytics and customer feedback. By investing in a well-designed website, you’re not just improving your immediate market presence; you’re laying down a solid foundation for the long-term success and sustainability of your business. This investment is key to staying competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced digital marketplace.

Yes, we can definitely help you buy a domain for your website. Choosing the right one is crucial for your brand and online visibility. Our team guides you through selecting a perfect, memorable name, buying it, and then registering it.

Purchasing a domain is a vital step in establishing your online presence. We offer tips on selecting the best extension, such as .com or .net, and ensure your name is available. Plus, we suggest acquiring similar domains to protect your brand.

We also assist with domain management, from DNS settings to linking with your hosting service. Our aim is to simplify this process, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

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