website maintenance

Expert Website Maintenance Services for Peak Performance

Laptop showing green shield icon indicating that the website maintenance process is ongoing

Effective Processes for Website Maintenance

Keeping a WordPress website up-to-date is a continuous effort, focusing on several crucial areas to maintain security, relevance, and optimization. This ensures top-notch user experience and SEO results. Pixel Cohort’s monthly maintenance packages encompass all essential tasks, emphasizing key areas as follows:

Updating WordPress, Themes, and Plugins

Keeping WordPress, themes, and plugins up-to-date is crucial for website health. Updates bring new features, security enhancements, and bug fixes. They ensure your site runs smoothly, securely, and is compatible with the latest web technologies. Regular updates help in preventing potential security threats and improving the site’s overall performance. This process is key to maintaining a dynamic and robust online presence, making your website fast, secure, and efficient for all users.

Updating the Content of the Site

Updating site content keeps your website fresh and engaging. Regular content updates attract visitors and improve SEO rankings. By adding new blog posts, articles, or portfolio pieces, you signal to search engines that your site is active. This helps in capturing a wider audience and retaining existing users by providing them with valuable and relevant information. Content updates are essential for keeping your audience informed and engaged with your latest offerings or insights.

Website Maintenance and Security

Site maintenance and security are foundational for a trustworthy website. This includes regular backups, security scans, and updates to defend against new threats. By maintaining the site, you ensure it’s always available to your audience without issues. Security measures protect your site’s data and your users’ information from malicious attacks, maintaining your reputation and user trust. Regular maintenance and proactive security protocols are non-negotiable for a safe, reliable online experience.

Analytics and Regular Reports

Analytics and regular reporting are vital for understanding website performance. By analyzing visitor behavior, traffic sources, and engagement metrics, you can make informed decisions to enhance your site. Regular reports provide insights into what’s working and what needs improvement. This continuous feedback loop allows for strategic adjustments, helping to increase site effectiveness and achieve business goals. Analytics turn data into actionable insights, guiding your digital strategy.

Website Maintenance and Its Essential Advantages

Ensuring your website is regularly updated and maintained is crucial for the security and functionality of your online presence. Effective website maintenance not only safeguards your site but also enhances performance, ensures consistent software updates, and delivers crucial data for content optimization.

Mobile device showing green shield icon indicating that the maintenance process is ongoing

Website Maintenance Plans and Pricing

Choose one of our monthly WordPress website maintenance plans and leave the needs of your website to our professional team.

Monthly WordPress website maintenance plans

Personal Plan

All our core features in one package for a low price. Ideal for website owners that want to update content on their own while our team is providing ongoing maintenance, security, backups and reporting.

Business Plan

Comprehensive support that includes everything from a personal plan with additional security features, PHP updates and website page edits (content updates). Perfect plan for website owners that want to focus on running their business.

Premium Plan

the Ultimate maintenance plan includes full website management to all website post-launch activities, such as content management, website support, updating and maintaining the security of your website.


  • 1x One-time fix
  • Cloud Backups
  • WordPress Core Updates
  • Plug-in And Theme Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Monthly Reports
  • Security Scan


  • 3x One-time fix
  • Cloud Backups
  • WordPress Core Updates
  • Plug-in And Theme Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Weekly Reports
  • Security Scan
  • Malware Removal Included
  • PHP Update
  • 10x Website Edit
  • HTML/CSS/JS Minification
  • Image optimization


  • 5x One-time fix
  • Cloud Backups
  • WordPress Core Updates
  • Plug-in And Theme Updates
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Weekly Reports
  • Security Scan
  • Malware Removal Included
  • PHP Update
  • 20x Website Edit
  • HTML/CSS/JS Minification
  • Image optimization
  • Google Search Console Integration
  • Priority Support

Website Maintenance: Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right website maintenance plan depends on your needs. If you prefer handling updates yourself or don’t need many, the personal plan fits well. It’s ideal for infrequent content changes. On the other hand, the business plan is designed for owners expecting up to 10 updates monthly. This plan supports more frequent modifications, keeping your site fresh and engaging for visitors. Each plan caters to different levels of activity and involvement, ensuring there’s an option that matches your specific requirements and helps your website thrive.

If you reach your plan’s limits for website changes or emergency repairs, we’ll send you an email alert. This way, you’re always informed and can decide on your next steps without surprises. Our aim is to keep your website running smoothly. If needed, we offer options to extend your limits or upgrade your plan. We’re here to support your website’s growth and ensure it meets your needs, offering flexibility and peace of mind. This approach helps you manage your website efficiently, keeping it up-to-date and secure.

At Pixel Cohort, every website we create comes with a complimentary one-month basic maintenance plan, starting the day your site goes live. This trial offers you a glimpse of our maintenance service quality without any upfront costs. During this period, our team diligently monitors your site, applies necessary updates, and provides basic support to ensure optimal performance. It’s our way of showing commitment to your website’s success, allowing you to experience the benefits of professional maintenance. After the trial period is over, you can choose to continue with us for ongoing support.

Absolutely, website maintenance services play a pivotal role in ensuring your online success. These services keep your site safe, current, and running smoothly, enhancing the overall user experience. By regularly updating your site, you safeguard it against potential security risks and ensure it meets the latest standards, which is vital for maintaining your SEO rankings. Neglecting maintenance might leave your site vulnerable or outdated, tarnishing your brand’s image.

The scope of maintenance encompasses content refreshes, applying the latest software and security updates, alongside monitoring site performance and swiftly addressing any technical glitches. Such diligence not only boosts visitor satisfaction but also aids in retaining and attracting more organic traffic.

Seeing maintenance as an investment rather than an expense can significantly contribute to your website’s longevity and success. It frees you to concentrate on business growth while specialists handle the backend, ensuring your site remains competitive and professional. Every business, big or small, benefits from dedicated website maintenance.

Know what’s not covered in our plans:

  • Redesigning the whole site
  • Any graphic design work
  • Translation for your content
  • Writing new textual content
  • Adding new functionalities to your site
  • Implementing extra interactive elements
  • On-page SEO optimization tasks
  • Social network management

These services are beyond our standard maintenance but are available separately to keep your website competitive and engaging.

Certainly, we offer maintenance services for all types of websites, including WooCommerce and multilingual ones. For advanced WordPress sites like e-commerce and multilingual platforms, we recommend our business or premium maintenance plans. These plans are tailored to handle the complexities of your website, ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether you’re selling products globally or catering to a diverse audience, our team has the expertise to keep your site up-to-date and functioning at its best. Trust us to take care of the technical details, so you can focus on growing your business.

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