WordPress Services

Professional WordPress Services for your Website

Image showcasing website development process as part of WordPress services using abstract elements

WordPress Website Development

Our website development process simplifies your journey, removing technical hassles. From purchasing domains to ongoing maintenance and WordPress assistance, we cover it all. This comprehensive approach allows you to concentrate on growing your business, without the stress of website management, ensuring a seamless, worry-free experience.

WordPress CMS

Our websites are crafted on WordPress, the leading CMS, with over 455 million global sites. It dominates by powering 40% of the web, showcasing its widespread preference and reliability. This positions WordPress as the preferred platform for all web developers, from beginners to experts, ensuring versatility and robust support. Its extensive plugin ecosystem further empowers sites with endless functionalities and customization options.

Content Gathering

To guarantee your website’s timely launch, our team offers comprehensive support. We handle content research, source licensed images, provide expert copywriting, and offer translation services for multilingual platforms. These efforts are designed to simplify the development workflow and ensure your project remains on track, avoiding any delays. Our commitment is to deliver quality while adhering to your timeline.

Quality Control

Pixel Cohort’s QA guarantees your site functions flawlessly on desktop and mobile before launch. Through multiple testing stages, we evaluate display, functionality, and reporting. Our meticulous process ensures your website meets the highest standards, providing a seamless user experience across all devices. This dedication to quality prepares your site for a successful launch, embodying our commitment to excellence.

Web Design

Our web design services craft visually stunning and user-friendly websites that boost your online presence. Tailored to meet your business needs, we ensure your site not only looks great but also performs optimally. From custom designs to responsive layouts, we provide a comprehensive solution for businesses aiming to stand out online.

WordPress responsive web design

Responsive Web Design

Adopting responsive web design ensures your site adjusts flawlessly across all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This approach enables dynamic content adaptation to various screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing experience. With it, your website intuitively responds to user preferences, making navigation seamless and user-friendly.

Landing Page Design

A landing page focuses on converting visitors into leads, distinct from other pages with varied functions. Tailored for marketing campaigns, it stands alone, designed to guide visitors towards a singular goal. This strategic approach ensures higher conversion rates by streamlining the user journey specifically for lead generation.

Website Redesign

Redesigning your website encompasses modernizing content, layouts, and navigation to improve conversions and site performance. This comprehensive process not only refreshes the site’s appearance but also optimizes its structure for better user experience and engagement. By focusing on these key aspects, a redesign ensures your site remains competitive and effective in achieving your digital goals.

Search Engine Optimization device with a pair of hi-tech magnifying glasses looking at keywords.

Search Engine Optimization

Publishing a website without search engine optimization is like launching a product without marketing. Our SEO services are designed to boost your online visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website. By optimizing your site’s content and structure, we ensure it ranks higher in search engine results.

Keyword Research

A pivotal part of SEO, revealing terms used in search queries. It guides content creation to boost your site’s search ranking. By identifying and applying these keywords, your website can climb search results, enhancing visibility and attracting more visitors. This strategy is crucial for online success.

SEO On-Page Optimization

On-page SEO optimizes your site’s content, enhancing keyword density, titles, and more for better organization. This includes refining page titles, headers, URLs, and meta descriptions, alongside optimizing images and internal links. Our approach ensures each element—text, images, and internal pathways—works to improve your site’s visibility and structure, focusing on seamless content flow and relevance to boost rankings.

Technical SEO

Technic that boosts your site’s foundation with enhancements in crawling, speed, and security, ensuring faster access for search engines. Optimizing technical aspects like SSL and site structure aids in better indexing and rendering. This dedicated effort aims to elevate your pages in search rankings, enhancing visibility and user experience. With such optimization, your website becomes a robust contender in search engine results, promising improved rankings and visibility.

Website Speed Optimization

As part of the “mandatory WordPress services” during website development, boosts the performance of your website, ensures faster loading times and improves user experience.  We analyze and refine your website’s structure, compress images, and streamline code. This not only enhances site speed but also aids in achieving higher SEO rankings.

Website optimization for mobile devices

Image Optimization

Optimizing image size without losing quality is crucial for web performance, particularly on mobile. Large images slow down pages, affecting user experience. We skillfully balance image reduction with quality retention, ensuring fast loading times and preserving visual appeal. Our approach enhances your website’s speed and performance, making it more accessible and enjoyable for users across all devices.

Minify and Combine Files

Minification strips unnecessary code data, optimizing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript without altering rendering. This technique reduces HTTP requests, accelerating site speed and enhancing user experience. By streamlining your website’s code, minification ensures a smoother, faster browsing journey, making it crucial for optimal performance.

Improved Caching

Proper WordPress caching cuts page load times, elevating SEO, conversions, and satisfaction. It’s a top method for quickening your site without losses. This tactic markedly speeds up your website, ensuring a seamless user experience and potentially higher search rankings, all without sacrificing site quality.

Laptop showing green shield icon indicating that the website maintenance process is ongoing

Website Maintenance

Our WordPress Services ensure your website stays operational and effective through regular maintenance. Just like any software, your site needs ongoing care to remain functional. Our team specializes in keeping WordPress sites up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly, avoiding potential issues.

Website Monitoring

A surveillance process that ensures your site’s optimal health by tracking availability, uptime, and functionality. It guarantees accessibility and smooth operation for all visitors, making sure your website performs as expected. This essential process keeps your site reliable, ensuring a strong digital presence.

Website Management

Effective website management covers all post-launch tasks, such as content updates, ongoing support, and robust security measures. Our dedicated team ensures these are handled proficiently, allowing you to direct your attention towards enhancing sales and customer relationships. This approach not only elevates your website’s performance but also aligns with your overarching business objectives.

Website Analytics

Understanding web analytics is crucial for site and marketing optimization. It’s about analyzing visitor data to refine your approach. By monitoring how users interact with your site, we gain insights for enhancing marketing campaigns. This strategic analysis is vital for improving engagement and conversions, making your digital presence stronger.

WordPress Support

Our WordPress support services offer comprehensive solutions for any issue your site faces, all within our monthly maintenance plans. From troubleshooting to updates, our expert team ensures your WordPress site remains optimal. Experience hassle-free WordPress Services, keeping your website secure and running smoothly.

WordPress Support Services for your website

Troubleshooting WordPress

Our WordPress support tackles every typical issue, from critical errors and broken links to email troubles. We fix theme/plugin problems, SSL/content mismatches, cache glitches, and URL/redirect errors, ensuring smooth operation. Trust us to keep your site error-free and running seamlessly.

Backup, Cloning & Migration

Our team can create a comprehensive backup or clone of your WordPress site, ensuring you can restore it if needed. Manual backups are crucial for recovering your site’s exact copy in case of emergencies. They serve as your primary defense against security breaches, hacking, and data loss, safeguarding your online presence.

Help and Consultation

Whether you’re launching a new site or troubleshooting an existing WordPress site, our experts are here for you. Get in touch for solutions or a free 30-minute consultation. We’re available via phone, Skype, Google Meet, or Zoom, at your convenience. We’re here to support your WordPress needs and ensure your online success.